**********The City of Angels is Everywhere*********

Thursday, October 17, 2024

thanks to Opus Dei, right wing Americans side with pedophile proiests

New Research: There IS a connection between people who defend pedophile priests and right wing politics. it's not my imagination. It's Opus Dei, which for 70 years has actively groomed politicians in D.C. with its own OD church and massive amounts of Vatican cash. It's the theme of the book I'm writing online which is linked in the comments below. Linked here is article in New York Magazine from September that got me going, hopefully I won’t run out of steam before I finished writing about this… Whenever I get harassed about my blog exposing pedopriest crimes, the person harassing me is also a wild-eyed Trump supporter. I hope to write about this more, the conclusion is: thanks to Opus Dei, right wingers side with pedophile priests.


My book still in progress: https://cityofangelslady.blogspot.com/2024/09/prologue.html?zx=a462c8fca0949b6a

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 See my book in progress

"America sided with the pedophile priests, and soon after, the nation fell"

being written online at https://cityofangelslady.blogspot.com/2024/09/prologue.html

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Kamala Did Not Fail Pedophile Priest Victims

To All the pedophile priest victims now claiming Kamala Harris Failed Us, I was alive and paying attention when this happened, TRUTH: While Harris was a prosecutor in California the Catholic Church appealed the Burton Law which opened a 3 year window in SOL, court threw out criminal cases, ruled only civil cases could go forward. If anyone failed in that 2003 era incident, it was Victims Advocates who did not appeal when the court threw out the criminal cases. Civil lawsuits went forward and Calif victims shared Billions in settlements. Kamala did what by law she had to do bk the church got the criminal cases thrown out in court. STOP SPREADING THE LIE that Kamala Failed PedoPriest Vicrims sheesh do you think Trump gave a half a damn about us at allllll?????

Kay Ebeling